* About to connect() to www.hoga-consulting.de port 21 (#0) * Trying * connected * Connected to www.hoga-consulting.de ( port 21 (#0) < 220 FTP-Server ready > USER U338118AA < 331 Password required for U338118AA > PASS 6073365 < 230 User U338118AA logged in > PWD < 257 "/" is the current directory * Entry path is '/' > EPSV * Connect data stream passively < 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||60569|) * Trying * connected * Connecting to ( port 60569 > TYPE I < 200 Type set to I > SIZE index.html < 213 0 > RETR index.html < 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for index.html * Maxdownload = -1 * Getting file with size: -1 * Remembering we are in dir "" < 226 Transfer complete * Connection #0 to host www.hoga-consulting.de left intact > QUIT < 221 Goodbye. * Closing connection #0